Universal Farm Management System
Best way to manage your farms
Navfarm is a modern cloud-based universal farming application that provides comprehensive functions and features to grow your farm business.
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Universal Agriculture App
to serve any farming need
Consolidated view of your entire farm for your Livestock, Birds or Agriculture crops on a Single App for all your farming processes at one place
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Herd/Dairy Farm Management
Cattle Breeding
Milking Parlour Links
Feed to Yield
Natural and Artificial Insemination
Breeding and Production
Last and Current Breeding
Grand Parent & Parent
Broiler Breeder
Commercial Broiler
The Egg Stage
The Larval Stage
The Pupal Stage
The Adult Stage
Managing bees and Pollination
Honey Harvesting
Pasture Exposure and Artificial Insemination
Breeding and Production
Last and Current Breeding
Calving History
Pasture Exposure and Artificial Insemination
Breeding and Production
Last and Current Breeding
Calving History
A Complete Agriculture, Livestock & Poultry
ERP Management Solution
We have designed a robust and easy-to-use software that can help you in multiple ways!
Navfarm gives your complete control on Feed Conversion Ratio(FCR).
NAVFARM gives you 100% Traceability on your Farms & Batches.
An Integrated Universal app for all farm operation needs.
Whether you are a farmer or a poultry owner, Prudence Technology has built a solution for everyone at NAVFarm. Navfarm gives you complete control on Feed Conversion Ratio, Traceability & Similar Key Parameters to fulfil your farm operation needs.
NAVFarm: An Universal Farm Management software for poultry farm owners, fishery owners, cattle farm owners, pig farms, dairy distribution companies and other agriculture businesses. For Poultry farm & Livestock Owners, we provide the best poultry farm management software for an absolute traceability from farm to flock.
Our Agriculture, Livestock & Poultry Management Software is one-of-its-kind software that fits in your needs perfectly and provides you with all the benefits that you need to organize your farm and livestock practices, maintaining records, tracking the production, managing the resources, analyzing the activities and new trends, gaining important insights and increasing the profitability.
In addition to managing the activities like planning, scheduling and tracking the production details, our Livestock & Poultry ERP software also generates and manages orders, expenses, and income. This means NAVFarm enables you to have easy tracking of all the significant records for your poultry business. So, wait not, give it a thought!
Put in Less Efforts and Get Better Results..!!
Explore NowFarmer’s path to the success
with NAVFarm
Easy to Activate Solution: Our solution is easiest to configure and use. It takes only one day to start, which means you don’t have to wait for a long. The best thing is it comes with Zero Financial Commitments, meaning without any charges.
Integrated Business: Your entire business will be in your pocket with NAVFarm. Yes, it not only removes silos with integrated processes across departments, but also improves scalability and business agility while enjoying the universal farm application.
All in One Solution: It enables you to maintain your data efficiently. Any data related to your sales, purchase, expenses and farm operation, like your flock/batch confirmation, feed consumption, and mortality can be maintained easily without much effort.
Business on the Move: NAVFarm is a cloud-based solution that not only enables you access through any mobile devices on the move, but also you can access information from anywhere and update on fingertips. It’s time to adapt global practices, improve performance and decision making.
Advanced Protection: NAVFarm provides you with advanced protection, which include device binding, offline synchronization, audit trails, data encryption, automatic regular backups, and ransomware protection, etc.

Why farm owners
love Navfarm?
We believe that life should be simple! If you also believe this, then you are on the right platform.
Increase Profitability & Health
Cost Effective, Simple and Extendable
Global Best Practices with pre built templates
AI based Real Time Decisions
Innovative Farming Support System
Pre-Defined Parameters for Farm Monitoring
Offline Access
User Defined Alerts
Traceability from Fork To Farm
Farmwise Profitability & Costs
Affordable Pricing and Packages
choose your best one
Monotonectally grow strategic process improvements vis-a-vis integrated resources.
- Best suited for small farm owners with our Pre-defined Templates, Real-time Notifications & Reports to handle the farm operations on the go.
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- Everything needed for a Large Agribusiness with Multi-farm Operations, Integrated Processing Units, and Real-time Alerts & Advanced Reports.
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If you need custom services or need more information? Contact us
Mode of Payment
We care for you; hence, we follow the easiest modes of payment so that you can pay from the comfort of your place! The various payment modes include, NEFT Transfer, Payment by Credit/Debit Card, and Payment via PayPal.
Taxes Applicable as Actuals
VAT and other local government taxes are not included in the pricing, they will be applicable as actuals as per the taxation laws of your country.
Yearly Packages
If you are willing to pay on a yearly basis, then you can choose our annual package. Our customers, who choose to pay yearly in advance are welcomed with surprise discounts and offers. For more information on promotions and offers feel free to contact us.
One Price, Multiple Benefits
Navfarm can be used in any kind of farm business, whether you own a fishery or a poultry farm, or a dairy business, or any other agriculture related businesses. Select an appropriate plan and you can enjoy all the features of entire app through one single subscription.
What our customers are saying
App screenshots
Looks awesome
How do you want an App to be - Easy-to-use, Friendly Features, Awesome Look, Amazing Layout, Robust and Rapid? NAVFarm has it all! Yes, whatever you are looking for in an app, it has all that and that’s what makes NAVFarm a unique app
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Trusted by companies
A decade of successful association fuelling the aspirations of our clients transforming into mutual growth