Broiler management system (BMS System) is designed to record all the transactions and the activities involved in a poultry farm, these solutions integrate Flock Performance, Sales, Expenses, Purchases, Feed Production, Feed Formulation, and Accounting.
Depending on the Geographical, Climatic Conditions, Age and the Availability of Raw Materials, different Feed Formulae are adapted by the Farmers. A separate module is included in these systems to develop the cost-effective formulae.
Broiler Integration System/ Broiler Integration Management System helps in record-keeping along with this it also has a decision-making tool. It covers all the aspects of the Broiler Farms, from the housing of Day Old Chicks to Sale of Birds. It is designed to enhance the broiler management as well as increase the profitability.
Broiler Integration Software allows you to perform the following tasks:
- Farm, Shed and Flock Details
- Daily and Weekly depletion (Mortality & Culling) Reports
- Flock Wise Integration
- Daily Entry
- Mortality and Production Details
- Finalization
- Bird Transfer
- Feed Details
- Vaccination Schedule
- Flock Wise Vaccination Schedule
- Combination Report
- Weekly Report
- Individual Flock Performance Report
- Flock Wise Performance
- Vaccination Report
NAVFarm is a Poultry Management System that full-featured Software with a user-friendly user interface, which allows to manages the Poultry operations efficiently. It is developed specifically for the Poultry Farmers, Poultry Brokers, Egg Trading, Feed Trading, Chicken Trading, Feed Formulation, which is affordable, powerful, and easy to use. For Broiler management system/ Broiler Integration Management Software. kindly contact us for demo.